Born in 1980 of Dutch and Brazilian origins, Rafaël Rozendaal is an artist who has made the Internet his preferred medium. So it came as no surprise that he should seize on NFT technology to pursue his creations. He makes use of extremely colorful geometric forms and strives to provide his viewers with unique, immersive and authentic experiences. Influenced by Piet Mondrian and Kazimir Malevich, Rozendaal develops an elementary vocabulary that becomes more complex through movement.
Rozendaal's hypnotic works fascinate and absorb the viewer. A fetishist for URLs, as he likes to call himself, the artist develops a dedicated website for each project. Wishing to democratize art, he requires purchasers to leave the site's domain public. He sees the Internet as an intermediary platform to museums, whose materiality makes them inaccessible to all.
"Blockchain has made digital art tangible"
The series comprises 300 works. The iconographic reference to Malevich is tangible, but Rafaël Rozendaal manages to get rid of the Russian artist's hieratic aspect by making use of movement. Animated by colors and scrolling shapes, the works that make up Intersections move before our astonished eyes.